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New OSHA Training Requirement: Construction Confined Space - 10/3/2015 Enforcement Date


OSHA’s New Confined Space for Construction Standard—29CFR1926 Subpart AA

Training must be provided by the employer to any affected employee, ensuring employees understand possible hazards in the confined space, methods to control those hazards, and the dangers of non-authorized employees attempting entry rescues.

This standard goes into effect August 3, 2015, with a delayed enforcement period of 60 days. Citations begin October 3, 2015.

Safety Resources will conduct its first Construction Confined Space course on September 2, 2015 with certification provided.

WHO: General contractors, controlling entities, construction workers entering confined spaces, pits, vaults, attics, crawl spaces, tanks or other confined space

WHERE: Safety Resources LLC

1938 Windsor Drive

Salisbury, MD 21801

WHEN: Wednesday, September 2, 2015

8 AM to 12 PM

COST: $150/person

Certification provided.

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